
turk mall as a media sponsor at the b2b international conference in istanbul: bosco

Jun 27, 2023

On the 23rd of May, Turk Mall, which is one of the most prominent international conferences, participated as a media sponsor in the B2B International Conference that was held in Istanbul. This conference is an important occasion for professionals and companies to expand their networks and exchange knowledge and experiences in the business sector.

The conference hosted a large number of local and international companies, as well as professionals and specialists in various fields. Organized over a one-day event, a wide range of educational sessions, workshops, and lectures were presented covering various topics such as marketing, innovation, modern technology, and sustainability.

As a media sponsor of the conference, Turk Mall provided support for the event by providing advertising space for the conference in the mall and by promoting it through its media and social media channels. The media efforts to leave the Mall included publicity for the conference, highlighting its importance and the benefits that the participants can obtain through attendance.

Turk Mall's participation in the conference was an excellent opportunity to introduce the Turk Mall platform and strengthen its position as a leading shopping destination in Turkey and the world.

The conference was attended by a large number of exhibitors and potential participants, and Turk Mall provided an opportunity to build new relationships and expand networks in the business industry.

In short, the participation of Turk Mall as a media sponsor in the B2B International Conference in Istanbul represents an important opportunity to promote the platform, expand the customer base, and enhance its reputation as a leader in the e-commerce sector.