WHY SELL ON TurkMall ?
How it works
We process payments on TurkMall, through payments platforms that allows you to process transactions with a variety of payment methods. Funds from sales on Turkmall will be deposited into your account
Joining and starting a shop on Turkmall is free. There are three packages It depends on the packages chosen by the supplier, that you can upgrade at any time.
We process payments on TurkMall, through payments platforms that allows you to process transactions with a variety of payment methods. Funds from sales on Turkmall will be deposited into your account
No, a credit or debit card is not required to create a store. To be verified as a seller, you must enter the required data and papers of the company or factory and commit to signing the contracts concluded with the platform. You will not be charged any fees until you open your store and publish your products.
It’s easy to set up a shop on Turkmall. Create an Turkmall account (if you don’t already have one), set your shop location and currency, choose a shop name, create a listing, set a payment method (how you want to be paid), and finally set a billing method (how you want to pay your TurkmallFees).
Turkmall provides a marketplace for suppliers, wholesalers, and manufacturers to sell their products from electronics, industrial equipment, food, clothing, health, and beauty. and many more...
It is prohibited to sell or promote medicines that can only be bought with a prescription Materials with sexual content and sexual images Firearms of all kinds.
Tobacco and its products, electronic cigarettes, and alcoholic beverages
The products are imitated
Forged documents
Veterinary medicinal products
Cultural heritage materials and natural resources
Organic agricultural products
Drugs or addictive substances
Copyright products
Everything is like what was mentioned.